Why Call A Tree Surgeon

Many people mistakenly believe that tree surgeons only remove trees or cut trees down. In fact there are many necessary services that we perform in order to keep your trees healthy, safe and looking their best. If you are concerned about a tree on your property we will come to assess the tree and provide […]
6 Things You Thought You Knew About Trees and Arboriculture – Part 2

In the second part of our series we discuss two more misconceptions, first “Tree roots grow down” and secondly “Lopping and Topping are legitimate tree techniques.” 1. Tree Roots Grow Down Wrong. For many years, it was believed that tree roots grew down into the earth to provide stability, in the same way that a […]
6 Things You Thought You Knew About Trees and Arboriculture – Part 1

Trees are everywhere and almost everybody sees trees every day. So, of course, we all know a lot about them, right? Err.. well, we learn photosynthesis at GCSE and can recognise an oak leaf at a stretch. Some of us know more, and some less. But trees and Arboriculture remain a specialist subject that is […]
6 Things You Thought You Knew About Trees and Arboriculture – Part 3

In the third and final part of our series, we discuss two more misconceptions. Number 5 in our series is “Hollow Trees Are Dangerous” and number 6 is “Everyone has a Right to Light” 5. Hollow Trees Are Dangerous This was another long-held belief, and a lot of trees were unnecessarily removed as a result! Then […]